Le Selve di Vallolmo
It is impossible to talk about Le selve di Vallolmo if we do not talk about the territory where it is located. Le selve di Vallolmo are located in the eastern part of Tuscany, in the province of Arezzo and specifically in Casentino. Casentino is a valley surrounded by secular Apennine forests, it is the place that gives life to the Arno river. In this territory, still little known to the circuits of tourism, but very rich in history and culture, it was possible to maintain and preserve the ancient crafts related to agriculture, livestock and cuisine, rich in local products. Today Le Selve di Vallolmo takes advantage of this knowledge and of the goodness of the territory to carry on its activity in a sustainable way and contributing to keep alive the traditions of Casentino. The company also raises and processes the famous Grigio del Casentino, a native pig of the area, from which the delicious Prosciutto del Casentino is obtained, which is a Slow Food presidium.
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